
Showing posts from August, 2014

It’s Time We Face The Difference Between British Identity And The UK State

Article on National Collective website In a week in which coverage of the independence campaign has been dominated by haranguing over currency, as the No camp took their fixation with Salmond to cultish extremes, an important dimension of the debate has somewhat slipped under the radar. Over the last couple of years the Yes movement, particularly its grassroots components, have been keen to stress that this debate should not be misunderstood as one primarily about identity. In light of some recent developments it is a point worth reiterating and exploring further, particularly in relation to notions of “Britain” and “Britishness”, and what these represent. Last week we witnessed the most co-ordinated lovebombing yet in the shape of “Let’s Stay Together”, a letter to Scotland signed by over 200 British celebrities headed by Dan Snow (above). Meanwhile, the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey announced findings that since 2011 the number of people living in Scotland who picked British ...